This podcast has been pre-empted
I know I promised a show tonight but even thought the is crap on TV I have some more work to do on the show.Plus, it was Kuma's bath night. (twice a year whether he needs it or not).I will have a show up by Saturday and it will be a good one. Well it won't be as goodas Comedy4Cast, or Jawbone. And it won't have a celebrity guest like Mr. X.It might be almost as good as The Big Show or Catfish. It won't have music likeRFL, but I think it will be worth the wait. If you need a new podcasting fix you can goover to the Pickle and check out the new features and find some new shows.
daryl and kuma
daryl and kuma
Doh! Just listened to show #23. Fortunately she thinks Little House on the Prairie was cool too.
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