

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Little know Kidney Facts

Did you know?

If you receive a new kidney in a transplant, (well it's not like they can use fedex), they leave the old ones in.

So, a poddog Keychain to the first person to answer, how many Kidneys will the betterhalf's brother have once Sidney moves in?

Need help, listen to tomorrows show.

Bonus Question:

What is the first thing that Sidney will do when he is hooked up in his new home?


Blogger Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

yep, i did know that! i had a friend who had a kidney transplant from an anonymous donor :)

I hope the surgery goes well, I also hope The Other Half's brother will then have 3 kidneys, one of which will no longer be 'hooked up', so to speak, and so will shrivel...:0

I have no idea what Sidney will do first... some light stretching? x

Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Zee And Zed said...

I had no idea. Would that make the better half's brother owning a grand total of 4 kidneys?

The only thing I can guess that Sidney will do first is take in some fluid or excrete some fluid...I'd be curious to hear more facts if you have any more.

Out of curiousity, how does the better half feel about having a kidney named Sidney?


Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

educational kidney animation!


PS: four, Ross??! ;) Then the better half will be a bit lacking :O

Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Daryl Cognito said...

Ross is correct, this is the betterhalf's brothers second transplant, and yes the first thing the sidney will do is pee. After that, he has to convince the other organs to help him move.

As for her feelings on the name, she picked it.

Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Daryl Cognito said...

Diane, that is so damn cool, thank you for posting that

Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Zee And Zed said...

Oops, I meant to ask, how does the Better Half's brother feel about having a kidney with the name of Sidney?


Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Daryl Cognito said...

He love it

Monday, 23 January, 2006  
Blogger Highlights from two years of blogging. said...

oh yes- I forgot Billy! Well, he'll be just swimming with kidneys soon ;)

So Sidney just moves in and pees? without even saying hello? xx

Tuesday, 24 January, 2006  

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