

Saturday, May 27, 2006

No show

Sorry guys, a little off tonight. I will be back for sure on Wednesday and maybe a poddog lite sooner.

thanx for listening.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Poddog Show 65

Come on a road trip with me. Tonight you join me on a trip back from Edmonton Alberta.
Holy Crap I mention a lot of shows let see if I can remember them.
Road Rage, All Most Live Radio, Zee and Zed, RFL, Quirky Nomads, The Half Show,
Turbo Blender, Nina Kimberly, DicksnJanes, Audio Popcorn, Todbits, Barely, GabberJaw.

The audio is little of in this one hopely not too bad.

Daryl and Kuma

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Poddog Show 64

Now, let see if I can remember what the hell the show was about.
I try a new segment about Calgary
MWPC Features
Bells in the Batfry Shelly's Podcasts Redboy

Dogs in the news
Story one Story two

Check out the frappr map for new friends.

and hey, don't forget....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Poddog Show Number 63

Yo, how the hell are ya.

Shows we mention:
Z&Z The JaK Attack, Turbo Blender, Confessions of a DJ AllAxisRadio
There might be more, forgive me if I forgot you
Headline 1 Headline 2
My Week in Podcatchin Shane and Toms Squeezebox
Promo from Israelisms

Hope like it

daryl and kuma

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Poddog Show Number 62

A low energy and short show.
Listener supplied content from SD and Steve
We have more fun at Mr. Harper's expence
fail to reach my lifes goal to meet Della Reese
Things are getting a little out of hand here in Calgary
MWPC Nina Kimberly Jawbone, Redboy, The Big Show and Gabber Jaw
I found a promo for our friend over at Turbo Blender
That's about it see you on wednesday


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Poddog Show 61

Podcasting from Calgary Alberta

We complian a little more about Mr. Harper
One Two Three
Dicks and Janes is now on a break, but he is re posting his old shows

The Minister is back and holy crap does he let lose.

We also talk about a wack of podcast. So rather than link to them all, just look to the right.

I should be back an Saturday depending on my back.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Poddog lite

Just a quick suppliment show to tied you over.
Comments from
Steve, James, and Marianne

A great song from Jonathan Coulton
from the podsafe music network

Poddog lite was conceived by Zee from Zee and Zed